10.13.2021 06:09 PM By Encompass

“Do you believe in miracles?  Well, you should. In fact, life itself is a big miracle. There are so many things that are beyond our understanding. There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.”

This quote, attributed to Albert Einstein, brings a frame of view that is much broader than what we’re used to seeing when it comes to this topic. Often reserved to saints and holy people and those that emerged from near death experiences, miracles, small and large, are abundant, amazingly abundant, and wonderfully accessible!

There are so many examples of miracles! The person that once lived in his car and became a millionaire, the growth in a lady’s brain that had her on her deathbed before it disappeared, the man that spontaneously leaves a life of addiction and ends up helping others liberate themselves from the same we readily recognize as supernatural. There are also subtle ones, such as a big fruit tree growing in an inner city yard, a 9th grader failing at school that becomes a straight-A student, and a mother-daughter relationship gone sour that finds love again. Life itself is a miracle – the millions of unique and ornate snowflakes that fall on a winter night, the plentiful oxygen that we breathe, that our souls can drop into a body and enjoy a life as a human! When we look beyond the obvious, we can see that miracles are plentiful, and as we are co-creators of our reality we even facilitate miracles!

One miracle producing event is Body Electronics (B.E.). This truly unique event can be a thunderbolt into your world. If your partnership has faded and seems dormant, if all efforts have failed in pursuit of physical ease and health, if you’re ready for a major breakthrough that’s been eluding you, B.E. is a must experience.

Miracles do happen, and B.E. is one of the biggest catalysts for them.


Abundant Blessings, 

Encompass Life team