01.15.2024 10:30 PM By Encompass

In times of ill health, both our bodies and spirits cry out for relief. The World Health Organization, a reputable source for health-related information, has emphasized the profound connection between mental well-being and physical health. They advocate for a holistic approach that integrates the mind, body, and spirit in the healing process.

However, in the vast world of health and wellness, there are various approaches and perspectives. Some recommend medications and isolation, while others promote holistic well-being. It's a complex landscape, with different organizations and individuals offering a wide range of solutions.

The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to your well-being. No fancy organization, renowned physician, therapist, or fitness trainer can provide you with the perfect solution to make you whole. Wholeness cannot be achieved through external means, not even through a romantic partner. It's essential to understand that external factors cannot erase old traumas or current challenges. Even the act of taking one's life does not eliminate the challenges; it merely ends the current vessel's experience.

You are an eternal being, and what you avoid or leave unresolved in this lifetime may resurface in the future. Facing challenges and overcoming them is part of your soul's journey on this planet. What some may label as "brokenness" is nothing more than a misconception. You cannot be broken because you are made up of trillions of light beams capable of forming and reforming in an instant.

Feeling distressed or overwhelmed is often a result of not having the tools to cope with life's trials and tribulations. It's like being thrown onto an NFL field during a game without a playbook, rulebook, or even a uniform. The result is being run over by the challenges that come your way.

Yet, every challenge is also an opportunity for growth and transformation. As Khalil Gibran wisely stated, "Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls." With the right tools and guidance, even the most significant challenges can become a path to profound personal growth.

What you may have felt ashamed or worried about in the past can ultimately become a badge of courage. If you're reading this message, you may also be here to use your experiences of "brokenness" to empower others to feel strong and whole. Your journey starts with you, and your path to healing and empowerment has already begun, much like a Jedi in training.

If you're seeking a boost on your journey toward wholeness and a desire to express your divine gifts, we're here to guide you. Reply to this message, and together, we can uncover your unique path to wholeness and help you share your strength with the world.

With warmth and support, 

Michael Matucci, PhD 

Encompass Life