01.06.2024 09:57 PM By Encompass

Embarking on the journey to success is often a challenging and stressful endeavor. Each step forward brings new hurdles, higher expectations, increased competition, and a narrower margin for error. It's a relentless pursuit that requires your full energy and commitment.

But what if I told you that you might be unknowingly making it harder for yourself? That you are sabotaging your own path to success?

Imagine that, each day, and throughout the day, you are unconsciously planting hidden mines in your field of dreams. These mines are something you casually drop without a thought, and you step on them and then blame your boss, your employees, your mom, your neighbor, or the president.

Surprisingly, these hidden adversaries are your very own words.

What is the root cause of complaining? It all begins with seemingly harmless habits: complaining, gossiping, and criticizing. You might already be familiar with the negative impact of these expressions, yet most people continue to indulge in them, oblivious to the pain they inflict upon themselves.

Does venting relieve stress? Let’s find out! Many believe that venting alleviates stress, but they fail to realize that their bodies perceive the energy of these comments first. Even more concerning, these negative words bounce around within the body, intensifying the very feelings they are meant to release. Gradually, they program the subconscious mind with pessimistic perspectives, convincing your feeling brain that these situations pose a genuine threat.

As a result, your brain expends energy searching for, identifying, and shielding you from more aggravating people and situations. These folks stress you out even more. You get frustrated that you keep running into the same roadblocks and road ragers.

Your words hold immense power, especially when they build up over time. They possess the ability to shape your reality and impact also the lives of those around you. Committing to speaking in a way that lifts people up can reduce stress, open pathways, and connect you to the people you truly desire to be around.

As Mother Teresa wisely said, "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Discover the unconscious language patterns that are unknowingly increasing your stress and learn how to replace them with words that manifest your true desires in life.

Check out this class (words class - recorded class section) if you’d like a full download on speaking to eliminate stress and elevate your life and business.

Words are a double-edged sword, and by using them wisely, you can invite joy, love, relaxation, and abundance into your life. Your words become the building blocks of your legend.

Wishing you a journey filled with positivity, gratitude, and success,

Michael Matucci, PhD